I’ve always been fascinated by the possibility to capture some planets with a cheap webcam. As you can see, I can rely on an entry-level setup that consists in a Sky-Watcher 130/900 telescope on an EQ2 mount. In my experience, mount is as fundamental as the telescope itself, probably much more: as you can see… Continue reading The beauty of Saturn seen from a very common webcam
Category: astronomy
Chronicles of a fiasco
Here is Jupiter as seen using a Skywatcher 130/900 telescope, an EQ2 mount, and a Logitech c270 webcam. I used the usual procedure which consists of shooting a video, then processing the best frames with Registax, and finally applying wavelet sharpening filters (together to other Photoshop tuning). With a bit of imagination you can see… Continue reading Chronicles of a fiasco
Amateur astrophotography: how to manipulate and export .fit files with Fits Liberator and Adobe Photoshop
As an amateur astronomer, I’ve always been attracted by astrophotography; but, because of light pollution and a poor equipment (just a 130/900 newtonian Skywatcher!), I never went very far from the mere but still exciting visual observation. Now, with remote telescope services available on Internet (like Global Rent a Scope), I just gained the ability… Continue reading Amateur astrophotography: how to manipulate and export .fit files with Fits Liberator and Adobe Photoshop
EQ2 Equatorial Mount: a quick pointing guide
As an amateur astrophile, I can count on very simple tools – such as a 130/900 Skywatcher Newtonian telescope on an EQ2 mount – that sometimes can seem obscure to a total newbie (or to an occasional observer). So, I decided to write this simple vademecum to read everytime the official manual isn’t available for… Continue reading EQ2 Equatorial Mount: a quick pointing guide